Tri-Community Ambulance Service, Inc.

By submitting this online application, you are agreeing to the following:
I hereby represent and warrant that the answers to the below questions are true and correct and are given the purpose of securing the active probationary membership or active probationary junior membership with Tri-Community Ambulance Service, Inc. If my application is approved, I hereby agree to abide by the constitution, and Bylaws, and Standard Operating guidelines of Tri-Community Ambulance. This application will be processed and be approved or denied by the new member investigation committee. If the applicant is approved for membership the member will be placed in active probationary membership. The new applicants will be on probation for one (1) year time. After the one-year time the probationary member will be brought to the company meeting for vote to approval member to be moved to active membership.
I also certify that I have never been charged or convicted of a felony. Failure to be truthful will be grounds for immediate dismissal. I authorize Tri-Community Ambulance Service, Inc. to obtain an investigative criminal record search, motor vehicles records search, and registered sex offender search before membership is granted and any time during my membership. This investigation is completely confidential.
I hereby hold Tri-Community Ambulance Service, Inc. free and harmless of any liability for any damages arising out of any improper use of this information.
If applying for Active membership, can you meet all the job qualifications for a Basic Emergency Medical Technician, as stated by the New
York State Department of Health? A Copy of the job description can be viewed online at the following site:
or TCAS can provide you with separate document at request.
I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If this application leads to membership, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview may result in my dismissal from the company.
I understand that there is a non-refundable $10.00 application fee and can be made via Cash, Check, or Venmo -
Venmo - @TriCommunity-Ambulance
or Check can mailed to PO Box 241 Sanborn, NY 14132 or can setup payment arrangements during my phone interview.
I also understand that Tri-Community Ambulance is a volunteer organization however standards are very high and require members to conduct themselves as professional. I also understand that I am required to give 12 hours of service a month.
Online Application Disclaimer: